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Faith on His Wedding Day

热度 2已有 1315 次阅读2010-6-5 14:00 |

Vague expression doesn't help.
Faith struggles to find the right thing to do on his ex-boyfriend's wedding day, so she chooses to come to workplace and stare at her laptop. Typical! Her way to escape from thoughts.
He was her first (proper) boyfriend. They'd been together for three years and half - in the best days at uni.. Back then three and a half years time seemed like a century... Later she learned that time is called an era. When they met, he was her housemate's dream man, that girl referred him as Sunshine, Faith just couldn't help laughing at his wholly orange-red basketball uniform. :) He said hi, Faith said 'you are bright.'
They's been through a lot. They knew each other so well. They were model couple among their freinds. His parents adored Faith.. .. (About ten thousands words were missing here, as Faith couldn't bare any detail to surf up now, not on this particular day. )Having gone through all the hand-holding, joy/tear-sharing and love-making in three years, Faith would be able to join him in London for post-graduate course. He didn't ask her to move in and he avoided to talk about future, and Faith didn't ask why. Faith could confront him, but the truth was she knew him too well to ask. One day, they were finally able to adress this issue, and he said: - this is someting Faith will never forget - 'you are my very first girlfriend and I know you and your love so well, but I don't know anything of anyone else, I've never had that chance. And how am I suppose to choose without comparison?' Faith took it calmly, even thought his attitude made sense, afterall they were only 22. But she knew instinctively she had to withdraw, she had to give up what she deserved - the happy ending from the love she nurtured for years. Faith loved him with no reservation, and he treated her as the most important person in his life, only he was unsure of the possibility that someone deserves more of his love and his future. When Faith left him, he didn't understand how he lost her. Reasons? It's beyond explanation. Why did she never need comparison to choose him? When it comes to love, comparison brings no sollution. Faith wanted more or nothing.
If anyone tells Faith love is not enough, Faith will insist you don't love enough. Love makes you are willing to settle for less and it makes less more worthy to you, how can it ever be not enough?! Anything can be greater than love, vanity, ambition, curiousity... you name it. And of course you have the right to live the way you like, to prioritise anything you value, no reasons needed. Faith imagines it must be torturing to bound two people with different values together, she could still be naive.
Faith got first class honours degree with minimum effort, but clearly she is not smart in LOVE... Well, if there's anything she learned three years ago, it is that her duty is to score, though it is her most and only  wish to love and beloved. Everyone thinks Faith is a tough cookie, actually she's just vulnerable, sensitive but opitmistic. She's grown up to be like this, too late to change. Only she knows how to bury feelings. And Faith never looks back. In case she does regret, who's to blame...?
Now Faith is griting her teeth, thinking if he can be happily ever after, why shalln't I? Why shalln't I? - Faith fears that's an open question. To be honest, Faith doubts if he is satisfied the girl he married, she knew his ambition and satisfaction is hard to match ; unless his wife's transformed him. Faith always loved him as he is, maybe it's not all right. It sounds very sour, but she wishes him to live well and happy.
After all, Faith really does wish him well and happy, for she has loved him.  It is the way Faith is.   
Is there any chance Faith will be loved and live happily ever after?

发表评论 评论 (4 个评论)

回复 bobby 2010-6-5 23:50
Long story, true love. Without the one who does not charish you, it is a gift from the father.
Hold tomorrow in your own hands, and be ready to face with a bright future.
回复 doubei 2010-6-7 11:05
Scrabbled fiction.
Thank you for your read.
回复 l_hongzhe 2011-4-8 13:09
Love is Faith,trust me, you own true love, Faith!
回复 doubei 2011-4-8 13:19
Thank you.
Faith is just a figure though...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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