Au tak shing(England)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2018-9-18 03:01:52

【萬希泉 X 鄭中基 X Nsquare 共同合作的鄭中基系列陀飛輪腕表】

【萬希泉 X 鄭中基 X Nsquare 共同合作的鄭中基系列陀飛輪腕表】提到鄭中基(Ronald),總會想起他作為喜劇演員以及專業歌手的形象。最近 Ronald 受到萬希泉及Nsquare的邀請,初次擔任設計師,與品牌合作推出兩款不同風格的「鄭中基系列」陀飛輪腕表。腕表用上大直徑的特製金屬表殼,並以不同風格配色設計。其中一款表殼採用全銀色配以淺藍色表面,並加上厚紋橡膠鱷魚皮混合表帶,塑造時尚年輕感覺;另一款則以全黑設計配合金色線條,予人經典成熟的感覺。配合鄭中基的歌手形象,兩款腕表均加上音樂設計元素,並參考其經典歌曲《時間人物地點》作靈感,藉著陀飛輪刻劃他的演藝生涯,別具意義。Whenever we mention the name “Ronald Cheng”, his identity as a comedy actor in different movies, or the songs from his music career comes to our mind.Recently, Memorigin and Nsquare have invited Ronald Cheng to debut as a designer, to collaborate and launch a “Ronald Cheng” Series of tourbillon with two different styles.The colour of the tourbillons are adopted in two different styles with a large diametric and tailor-made golden metal case. One of the designs uses silver colour as the main theme with a the light blue surface, creating a fashionable and young sense; while a black-colour case with golden stripes is used for another design, giving a feeling of classic. To elaborate his image as an singer, the design of tourbillons is filled with music elements, which is also inspired by one of his classic hits. As the tourbillons portrays Ronald’s journey as an artist, the collection means a lot for him and his fans.#萬希泉 #陀飛輪 #Memorigin #Nsquare #Tourbillon #OnHongKongTime#鄭中基 #RonaldCheng #鄭中基系列

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